On Monday, May 7, 2012, please join the cast of the stage play Mahogany Dreams for a sneak preview at Marilyn’s on Monroe, 419 Monroe (at Brush across from Fishbones), Detroit, Michigan 48226
Hosted by Shaun Moore-Bey and One Single Rose
Performances by the Mahogany Dreams Cast:
Shaun Moore-Bey
Detroit Bleu
Chavita Johnson
Ashlee Moss
Cassie Poe
Rosemarie Wilson
Live music provided by The Mahogany Dreams band: Essence
Special guest performances by:
Ben Jones
LaShaun Phoenix Kotaran
Featured poet:
Joel “Fluent” Greene
Vendoring jewelry and beauty products:
Maia Crown Williams of Crown’s Royalties
Doors open at 8:00 p.m.
Performances begin at 9:00 p.m.
We will be taking donations of whatever amount is placed on your heart at the door.
Did I mention this event is ***FREE***?????
For more information or to purchase tickets for Mahogany Dreams, please visit http://